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collyriums Meaning in Telugu ( collyriums తెలుగు అంటే)

కొలిరియంలు, కోలిరియం

క్లీనర్గా ఉపయోగించిన క్లీనర్తో క్లీనర్,


కోలిరియం, కచ్చిత,

collyriums's Usage Examples:

Dry collyriums were pastilles of Rhasis, sugar-candy, iris, tutty prepared and blown.

Pre-modern medicine distinguished two kinds of collyriums: the one liquid, the other dry.

Dry collyriums were pastilles of Rhasis, sugar-candy, iris, tutty prepared and blown into the eye with.

Liquid collyriums were composed of ophthalmic powders, or waters.

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