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cimelia Meaning in Telugu ( cimelia తెలుగు అంటే)

సిమెలియా, కామేలియా



cimelia's Usage Examples:

unidentified comparable form †Heterotrypa †Holdenia †Holdenia typa †Holia †Holia cimelia – type locality for species †Holia secristi – type locality for species.

Apotoforma cimelia is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae.

However, in the event it also contained the most valuable and carefully selected special collections of the Ossolineum's cimelia.

valuable and carefully selected special collections of the Ossolineum"s cimelia.

, for cimelia "heirlooms, treasures" is used).

The two geographical codices are reportedly still preserved as precious "cimelia" in the municipal library of Reims, but the map of the world disappeared.

Apotoforma apatela (Walsingham, 1914) Apotoforma cimelia (Diakonoff, 1960) Apotoforma cydna Razowski, 1993 Apotoforma dolosa (Walsingham.

luteocincta Harmodia melanochroa Harmodia drauti Harmodia mesolampra Harmodia cimelia Harmodia armeriae Harmodia magnolii Harmodia pumila Harmodia luteago Harmodia.

Hadena chrysocyanea Boursin, 1961 Hadena chrysographa Hacker, 1996 Hadena cimelia (Brandt, 1938) Hadena circumvadis (Smith, 1902) Hadena clara (Staudinger.

species †Entactinia †Entactinia modesta †Entactinosphaera †Entactinosphaera cimelia – or unidentified related form †Eoparafusulina †Follicucullus †Follicucullus.

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