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challengingly Meaning in Telugu ( challengingly తెలుగు అంటే)

సవాలుగా, చాలెంజింగ్

challengingly తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

చాలెంజింగ్ సినిమాకుగానూ ఉత్తమ నటి కేటగిరీలో ఏంజలినాకు ఆస్కార్ పురస్కారానికి నామినేషన్ లభించడం విశేషం.

2007లో నటించిన ఎ మైటీ హార్ట్, 2008లో చేసిన చాలెంజింగ్ సినిమాల్లోని ఆమె నటనకు విమర్శకుల ప్రశంసలు లభించాయి.

ఆకాశవాణిలో ఆమె బాధ్యత చాలెంజింగ్ వుండేది.

challengingly's Usage Examples:

The baby, who looks challengingly out at the viewer, occupies a central position in the composition.

It maintained Gentle Giant"s distinctively broad and challengingly integrated style, one of the highlights being the intricate madrigal-styled.

More challengingly, attempts have also been made to classify all the magic squares of a.

  His stories, while often challengingly long, were deftly enlivened with humour.

Within each image an open invitation is challengingly presented to the percipient.

Thanet Sand requires a high boring torque, is highly abrasive and, most challengingly, sufficiently permeable to contain a water table continuous with the.

Gamezebo called it "A brilliantly simple yet challengingly in-depth twist on classic Sudoku.

Carter and Pollard were the masters of a steely innocence such as could challengingly tighten the net upon the most proper sort of prey: a man of great power.

In response to that surprise, April challengingly asked him the following question: You don"t like what you see? His reply.

also praised both Lodge"s "transformative performance" and Sánchez"s "challengingly ambiguous" tone, while Toronto.

accomplish numerous goals from the most fundamentally simple to the most challengingly complex.

A challengingly explicit delve into the female body (often quite literally), it"s a.

interview to Sakshi Newspaper told that he wrote Aaradugula Bullet song challengingly as Trivikram asked him to write a song which satisfies both Hero"s introduction.

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