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certes Meaning in Telugu ( certes తెలుగు అంటే)

సర్టస్, స్పెయిన్ లేదా పంచిగేల్ యొక్క అసెంబ్లీలోని రెండు సమూహాలు


కోర్ట్స్, స్పెయిన్ లేదా పంచిగేల్ యొక్క అసెంబ్లీలోని రెండు సమూహాలు,

certes's Usage Examples:

émancipation ; le blanc, la paix, mais la paix du droit ; le vert, l’espérance, certes pour d’autres, mais pour nous, la certitude d’un devenir meilleur HS/ls/APA.

Church of St Paul and that of St Peter completely and entirely destroyed, certes, thou wouldst have cried out "Would to Heaven that I were become dust!".

|Ô Terre de nos ancêtres chérieNous espérons mettre à ton servicenotre corps, notre cœur, notre âme,qui est certes précieux et plein de dignité.

agony,         Your cordage large uprootings from the skull Of bald Medusa, certes you would fail     To find the Melancholy—whether she         Dreameth in.

" Gudrun answers, "Great men certes, and of noble fame! Yet Sigar took their one sister, and burned the other.

any had need thereof or held it dear or took pleasure therein aforetimes, certes, I am one of these.

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