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cassavas Meaning in Telugu ( cassavas తెలుగు అంటే)

కాసావాస్, కస్సవ

కాసావా మొక్క మరియు ఎండబెట్టడం యొక్క రూట్ను తగ్గించడం ద్వారా తయారు చేయబడిన ఒక పిండి. టాపియోకా యొక్క మూలం; ఉష్ణమండలంలో ఒక ప్రధాన ఆహారం,



cassavas తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

పచ్చికబయళ్లలో మేతతోపాటుగా శ్రద్ధగా పెట్టే దాణావల్ల ముమ్మరమైన ఎదుగుదల మాంసకృత్తులు సమ్మృద్ధిగా లభించే తుమ్మ, కస్సవె, లెకుయర్ని లాంటి ఆకుపచ్చటి దాణావల్ల ఆహారరూపములో నత్రజని బాగా లభిస్తుంది.

cassavas's Usage Examples:

well as the production of fruits and vegetables such as papayas, oranges, cassavas, avocados, pineapples, and passion fruits.

The wide range of exotic plants in Niue includes taros, pawpaw, coconuts, bananas, yams, cassavas and breadfruits: All are intensively.

Yangtze River in East Asia around the same time, peanuts, squashes, and cassavas had been domesticated in the New World, and other plants were used in southwest.

Women cultivate plants, such as plantains, cassavas and bananas, and practice beekeeping.

and kenkey are maize dough staples, and gari is made from dried grated cassavas.

pawpaw, coconuts, bananas, yams, cassavas and breadfruits: All are intensively used in the local cuisine.

Bang Krathum"s chief crops are rice, sugar cane, fruits, oranges, tamarinds, cassavas, soy beans and mung beans.

range of exotic plants in Niue includes taros, pawpaw, coconuts, bananas, yams, cassavas and breadfruits: All are intensively used in the local cuisine.

served with any dish Bananas and other exotic fruits, and wrapped in pearl cassavas and served with whipped cream or caramel.

Common crops for local consumption are bananas, beans, maize, cassavas, and sweet potatoes.

Krathum"s chief crops are rice, sugar cane, fruits, oranges, tamarinds, cassavas, soy beans and mung beans.

in Niue includes taros, pawpaw, coconuts, bananas, yams, cassavas and breadfruits: All are intensively used in the local cuisine.

kaukau (sweet potato), with other seasonal food such as taro, yams and cassavas.


gari, Manihot utilissima, manioc, tapioca, root, mandioc, tapioca plant, Manihot esculenta, bitter cassava, mandioca,



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