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calk Meaning in Telugu ( calk తెలుగు అంటే)

కాల్ చేయండి, చేపట్టండి

స్లైడింగ్ నిరోధించడానికి ఒక గుర్రపుశైలి కింద ఒక మెటల్ క్లస్టర్,



calk తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

వ్యవసాయాన్ని కూడా వృత్తిగా చేపట్టండి అని సలహా ఇచ్చాడు.

calk's Usage Examples:

Her under planking was nicely joined, and the seams calked with cotton wicking, and afterwards filled with white-lead paint and putty.

straightedge to touch the two points at the ends of the horseshoe, called "heel calks".

second pamphlet - to which there is one exception) in the drawer, which he calks with a burin and paper picked up along the way.

A caulkin (or caulk; US spelling "calkin" or "calk") from the Latin calx (the heel) is a blunt projection on a horseshoe or oxshoe that is often forged.

at the end of each week, and to board and clothe myself, and buy my own calking tools.

activities of grain storage, salt refining, fish smoking, tarring and calking.

the bottom of a horseshoe, also commonly called shoe studs or screw-in calks.

Shoe studs may refer to: Caulkin (UK) or calks (USA) on a horseshoe Cleats on a human shoe The sole studs of Caulk boots, which are similar to cleats.

Some horseshoes have "caulkins", "caulks", or "calks": protrusions at the toe or heels of the shoe, or both, to provide additional.

caulking (also spelled calking) on wooden vessels uses fibers of cotton and oakum (hemp fiber soaked in pine tar).

the gallery, even as the dead-lights had once looked out upon it, but now calked fast like a sarcophagus lid; and to a purple-black, tarred-over panel, threshold.

Caulk boots or calk boots (also called cork boots, timber boots, logger boots, logging boots, or corks) are a form of rugged footwear that are most often.


cleat, calkin,


kern, take, inactivity,

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