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calibered Meaning in Telugu ( calibered తెలుగు అంటే)

క్యాలిబర్డ్, గొట్టం రంధ్రం


గూఢచార పొడిగింపు, గొట్టం రంధ్రం, గొట్టం వ్యాసం,

calibered's Usage Examples:

Kingdom and the United States had been developing projects for large calibered guns during WWII in order to compete with increasingly heavily armored.

A GPMG will typically feature a quick-change barrel design calibered for various fully powered cartridges such as the 7.

armored steel needed to provide protection against the emerging large-calibered high-velocity main guns and improved APDS kinetic energy penetrators was.

types of shotguns from break-action single-shots to semi-automatics, calibered from .

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