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bocage Meaning in Telugu ( bocage తెలుగు అంటే)

బొకేజ్, నీలం పువ్వులు మరియు రేయ్


నీలం పువ్వులు మరియు రేయ్,

bocage's Usage Examples:

There was also the M89 base-ejecting hexachloroethane (HC) smoke round and the M64 white phosphorus (WP or Willy Pete) round, which proved highly effective in the bocage fighting around Normandy.

"at currented rocky narrows", or from the French beau bocage "beautiful hedged farmland".

Often they serve as windbreaks to improve conditions for the adjacent crops, as in bocage country.

bocagei, the former exhibits an extra, abdominal pair of teats.

- Natal mole-rat Cryptomys nimrodi - Matabeleland mole-rat Fukomys Fukomys amatus - Zambian mole-rat Fukomys anselli - Ansell"s mole-rat Fukomys bocagei.

The slow movements through the bocages makes breakouts and encirclements difficult.

Battle of Normandy, Allied forces – particularly the Americans – had become bogged down fighting the Germans in the Normandy bocage.

bocagei – Bocage"s rock rat (Thomas, 1904) Aethomys chrysophilus – red rock rat (de Winton, 1897) Aethomys granti – Grant"s rock rat (Wroughton, 1908) Aethomys.

bobiné bobineur bobineuse bobinage bobosse bocage "thicket, grove" ( < OFr boscage < L boscaticum < L boscum, buscum "bush, wood" < Gmc *buskaz) bocager bocagère.

This is sometimes characterized as a bocage landscape, attracting many tourists from other parts of the country, with popular sights such as the Lutterzand on the meandering Dinkel, or the wide heather fields on the Frezenbaarg near Markelo.

these proved very useful for clearing the hedgerows that made up the bocages across Normandy.

nécessaire", H 454 bis "Non, non je ne l"aime plus", H 455 "Oiseaux de ces bocages", H 456 457–459 Airs sur les stances du Cid, (Pierre Corneille): "Percé.

For the rest of the month, the division was engaged in heavy fighting for the bocage country near Saint Lô and Coutances.

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