blue pencil Meaning in Telugu ( blue pencil తెలుగు అంటే)
బ్లూ పెన్సిల్, నీలం పెన్సిల్
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blue pencil's Usage Examples:
Neutral colored oil paint and blue pencil emphasizes the lines on, and color of, the paper.
the edit to be disregarded was underlined using dashes or dots with a blue pencil and stet written and circled above or beside it.
The original cover—pictured here—contained a furry blue pencil case with a balloon inside, creating a somewhat labia-like effect.
It makes you itch for a blue pencil to knock out all the intensified words that maintain the soporific flow [link added].
However, at that time, a maker of widely-sold maps accompanied them with blue pencils in order to mark Confederate force movements.
instructions by editors), which is traditionally written with a red pen or blue pencil on authors" manuscripts.
Conventionally, the content that included the edit to be disregarded was underlined using dashes or dots with a blue pencil and stet written and circled above.
The father slew hundreds of the son"s adjectives with a blue pencil and taught him to write.
them onto illustration board with a non-photo blue pencil, sometimes using a Prismacolor light-blue pencil, because it is not too waxy, and erases easily.
or dots with a blue pencil and stet written and circled above or beside it.
Wojciechowski, Marcin (24 September 2007), "Niebieski ołówek Stalina" [Stalin"s blue pencil], Gazeta Wyborcza (in Polish) Official website (in Russian) English-language.
The blue pencil doctrine is a legal concept in common law countries, where a court finds that portions of a contract are void or unenforceable, but other.
Brautigan signed each of the 16 copies in blue pencil and drew a small picture of a fish.
delete, edit, censor,
add, record, expand, decriminalise,