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blowballs Meaning in Telugu ( blowballs తెలుగు అంటే)


ఆల్కహాలిక్ సీడ్ బంతుల తర్వాత జీనస్ టెర్మకమ్ మరియు లోతైన ఆకులు మరియు మెరిసే పసుపు పువ్వుల అనేక మూలికలలో పొడవాటి పీపాలో నుంచి నీళ్లు,

blowballs's Usage Examples:

Due to their styles of fountain, they are called "blowballs".

flower heads mature into spherical seed heads sometimes called blowballs or clocks (in both British and American English) containing many single-seeded fruits.

The flower heads mature into spherical seed heads sometimes called blowballs or clocks (in both British and American English) containing many single-seeded.

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