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blondes Meaning in Telugu ( blondes తెలుగు అంటే)

అందగత్తెలు, బంగారు జుట్టుతో మనిషి


బంగారు జుట్టుతో మనిషి,

blondes's Usage Examples:

Attracts Blondes 21 January Glenda gives one of Barry"s old suits to the jumble sale, because she thinks it attracts blondes.

house, Emsworth is embarrassed by a carful of blondes, but carries on manfully.

Two different colors of grillcloth were featured on the blondes, oxblood and wheat.

She has a very noticeable Southern American accent, which she says is an advantage for her because it is the one thing that film and casting directors like the sound of and really gravitate toward, particularly in Los Angeles, which she called a town full of blondes.

1831 to copy blondes, Marmaduke Miller adder a device to add loops and purls to the lace in 1827.

Upon production, red heads and brunettes were batched at a lower ratio to the ash-blondes and platinum blondes (making them the.

Many of these are rephrased sorority girl or Essex girl jokes, much as other jokes about dumb blondes.

of barefoot blondes wearing one piece bathing suits playing a team of brunettes attired in the same manner.

were blonde, although half of these blondes were fully fake.

Additionally, Honest Harold's secretary at the radio station, Glory, bears a more than passing resemblance to Gildersleeve's Water Department secretary, Bessie: both are stereotypical ditzy blondes.

" The episode"s final scene, in which Daenerys, "the blondest possible savior figure", appears with "uncharacterized brown people" as.


platinum blond, individual, somebody, platinum blonde, soul, blond, peroxide blond, mortal, person, peroxide blonde, someone, towhead,


disjoin, inequitable, extraordinary, ugly, unreasonable,

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