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block and tackle Meaning in Telugu ( block and tackle తెలుగు అంటే)

బ్లాక్ చేసి పరిష్కరించండి, బ్లాక్ మరియు అధిగమించేందుకు


బ్లాక్ మరియు అధిగమించేందుకు,

block and tackle's Usage Examples:

" The block and tackle is suspended.

adjusted by block and tackle, hydraulic adjusters, or lines leading to winches.

Pulleys are assembled to form a block and tackle in order to provide mechanical advantage to apply large forces.

between them, through the holes, so that they function again much as a block and tackle would.

A hook may have one or more built-in pulley sheaves as a block and tackle to multiply the lifting force.

called "reeving", and a threaded block and tackle is said to have been "rove".

This includes jacks, block and tackle, vacuum lifts, hoists, rotating screws, gantries, A frames, gin poles.

In this case the block and tackle is said to be "rove to advantage.

It comprises a jackstay, slung between two sheers or gyns, one at either end, from which is suspended a block and tackle,.

advantage of each of the block and tackle assemblies shown is as follows: Gun tackle: 2 Luff tackle: 3 Double tackle: 4 Gyn tackle: 5 Threefold purchase: 6 A.

supported pole that uses a pulley or block and tackle on its upper end to lift loads.

A boomkicker may be installed alongside a traditional block and tackle boom vang, and will work in close collaboration with it.

block and tackle, that is free to travel along the rope and hauled back and forth by inhauls (ropes attached to the pulley from which the block and tackle.


confront, rise, face up, face, undertake, take on,


avoid, leeward, windward, rear, uncover,

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