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bligh Meaning in Telugu ( bligh తెలుగు అంటే)

బ్లీగ్, బిల్ఫ్

బ్రిటీష్ అడ్మిరల్; H.m. కెప్టెన్ 1789 లో, సిబ్బంది యొక్క భాగం మారినప్పుడు మరియు ఓపెన్ పడవలో తిప్పబడింది; కొన్ని వారాల తరువాత అతను టైమర్ 4000 మైళ్ళ దూరం (1754-1817) ను సురక్షితంగా చేరుకున్నాడు,

bligh's Usage Examples:

The characters eventually come upon the Twilight Grove and its blighted foliage, where they find the Gulthias.

pini is a fungus that causes the disease commonly known as red band needle blight.

culmorum is a fungal plant pathogen and the causal agent of seedling blight, foot rot, ear blight, stalk rot, common root rot and other diseases of cereals,.

also require full sun and if planted in a shaded area it can encourage needle blight development.

been proven to cure and prevent powdery mildew, blackspot, downy mildew, blights, molds and other plant diseases, such as Botrytis cinerea.

heartland—one troubled by blight, marginalized by big-box businesses, and pepped up on meth.

virus peanut yellow mosaic virus southern celery mosaic virus soybean stunt virus spinach blight virus tomato fern leaf virus pea western ringspot virus.

Tabligh Akbar of the latter kind often disseminate their information widely throughout the social media and performed in.

City of New London (2005) in which the Court extended the Berman ruling to allow takings of unblighted private property that were solely for the economic benefit of the condemnor-city.

sugar beets into sugar from 1911 to 1929, but was closed due to a sugar beet blight.

to stop Hitler, but every time they were let go, he felt for "the poor blighters below".

beetle Paropsisterna m-fuscum Xyleborus glabratus Xyleborus dispar (pear blight beetle) Xyleborus similis Eucalyptus Longhorned Borer Aethina tumida.

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