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blackshirt Meaning in Telugu ( blackshirt తెలుగు అంటే)

నల్ల చొక్కా, బ్లాక్ చొక్కా

రెండవ ప్రపంచ యుద్ధం ముందు ఇటాలియన్ ఫాసిస్ట్ పార్టీ సభ్యుడు,


బ్లాక్ చొక్కా,

blackshirt's Usage Examples:

Members wore and marched in black uniforms and were thus called "blackshirts".

Regarding the war against Ethiopia, l"Alba boasted of having two companies of blackshirts from Tunisia, "Numidie" and "Zama".

sea services The rank insignia for commissioned officers for the army, blackshirts, navy and air force; respectively.

called Brownshirts (Braunhemden) because of the colour of their uniform"s shirts, similar to Benito Mussolini"s blackshirts.

revolutionary period was followed by the violent reaction of the Fascist blackshirts militia and eventually by the March on Rome of Benito Mussolini in 1922.

the war against Ethiopia, l"Alba boasted of having two companies of blackshirts from Tunisia, "Numidie" and "Zama", at the battle-fields.

March on Rome of Benito Mussolini"s blackshirts from the point of view of two newly recruited, naïve blackshirts.

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