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biotite Meaning in Telugu ( biotite తెలుగు అంటే)


ముదురు గోధుమ రంగు మైకా జ్వర మరియు మామోర్ఫిక్ రాక్లో కనుగొనబడింది,



biotite's Usage Examples:

are often individual minerals such as cordierite, biotite, chlorite, andalusite and others.

dacite to rhyolite in composition, containing biotite, pumice, quartz and sanidine.

microcline, and spodumene in granite pegmatites; with andalusite and biotite in schist; and with molybdenite and cassiterite in massive hydrothermal.

derived from sedimentary rocks contains coarse grained quartz, biotite, and albitic plagioclase.

alteration of augite (biotite or hornblende) to chlorite, and is seen in many diabases, diorites and greenstones.

metapelites: garnet + cordierite + sillimanite + K-feldspar + quartz ± biotite sapphirine + orthopyroxene + K-feldspar + quartz ± osumilite (at very high temperature).

metabasites: hornblende + plagioclase ± epidote, garnet, cummingtonite, diopside, biotite In metapelites: muscovite + biotite + quartz + plagioclase ± garnet.

Rhyolite tuffs contain pumiceous, glassy fragments and small scoriae with quartz, alkali feldspar, biotite, etc.

or radiohalo, is a microscopic, spherical shell of discolouration (pleochroism) within minerals such as biotite that occurs in granite and other igneous.

augite, biotite, diopside, haüyne, iron-titanium oxides, leucite, nepheline, nosean, pyrite, sanidine, sodalite and titanite.

metapelites: muscovite + chlorite + albite + quartz chloritoid + chlorite + muscovite + quartz ± paragonite biotite + muscovite + chlorite + albite + quartz.

minerals such as perthite, quartz, hornblende with accessory biotite, opaques, apatite, and zircon.

silicate minerals plagioclase feldspar (typically andesine), biotite, hornblende, and/or pyroxene.

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