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benson Meaning in Telugu ( benson తెలుగు అంటే)

బెన్సన్, బెంటన్



benson తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఎస్టోనియా తరపున 2001 యూరోవిజన్ పాటల పోటీలో పాల్గొన్న సంగీతకారుడు డవే బెంటన్.

అక్కడ వాల్ట్ డిస్నీ బెంటన్ గ్రామర్ స్కూల్లో చేరాడు, అక్కడే తోటి విద్యార్థి వాల్టర్ ఫీఫర్‌ని కలిశాడు.

బదులుగా, అతను బెంటన్విల్, అర్కాన్సాస్ లో ఒక కొత్త బెన్ ఫ్రాంక్లిన్ ఫ్రాంచైజ్ తెరిచారు.

శీఘ్రంగా పని జరిగేలా మరో అమెరికన్ శాస్త్రజ్ఞుడు బెంటన్ కొన్ని మార్పులు సూచించాడు.

benson's Usage Examples:

According to Sven Rubenson, it was delivered by an Ethiopian pilgrim to the British consul at Cairo, who was on his way to Jerusalem; the pilgrim also informed the consul that a gift consisting of 26 elephant tusks and 31 rhinoceros horns were en route to the British at Aden.

Rubenson interprets this communication as evidence of Shewan aloofness and suspicion of European attention.

He released his first electronic album on UK label Cyclo under the name of School, a duet which he took up with Stéphane Bejean-Lebenson.

ReferencesExternal linksOfficial website (howardbenson.

The Mascarene grey parakeet or Thirioux"s grey parrot (Psittacula bensoni), is an extinct species of parrot which was endemic to the Mascarene Islands.

Walter Ackerman (Ackie), Rabbi Baruch Levine, Moshe Avital, Abe Yanover, Michael Libenson, Avi Teken, Margie Berkowitz, Shoshana Marcus, and Debbie Sussman.

According to Sven Rubenson, who described Tekle Giyorgis as the last emperor to exercise authority on his own, It is not without justification that he has in Ethiopian tradition received the nickname Fiṣame Mengist, 'the end of the government'.

As for the return of the coins, Rubenson believes it is more likely that the King was prevented from accepting the gift by the same anti-European forces that had compelled Krapf and Harris to give up Shewa.

Donald Liebenson of the Chicago Tribune described the film as ambitious and calls it a nostalgic hoot [that] resurrects all the touchstones of the original cartoons.

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