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backpedalling Meaning in Telugu ( backpedalling తెలుగు అంటే)

బ్యాక్‌పెడలింగ్, బ్యాక్పిలింగ్

backpedalling's Usage Examples:

the sensation was unique: All the Canadiens began backpedalling in a small panic, like beachgoers sighting a coming monster wave.

run to iTunes to buy the EP some executives in the company started backpedalling".

Others maintain that he simply injured his knee, while backpedalling, and was unable to continue.

Johansson spent the entire bout backpedalling, without throwing a single punch.

with the mouse while strafing (sidestepping), turning and running or backpedalling all at once creating slightly more complex movements.

However, after what Freud saw as his backpedalling in 1913, he said, "I think he has unnecessarily forfeited much credit".

" Preece added "Disregarding the backpedalling that has gone on since the EzrA reveal, the second half of the season.

crossbar Stuart Hall – banjo, violin, 12 string guitar, mandolin, backpedalling Sarah Harrison – violin, hooter Robert Juritz – bassoon Dai Pritchard.

Lewis, chased a backpedalling Montana toward the sideline, and seemed certain to either send him out.

the hero"s prized revolver, Brannigan spends most of its time hastily backpedalling in order to find some comfortable, old-fashioned niche in the formula.

Knox, David (12 April 2017) ABC accused of "backpedalling, lying" over Natasha Exelby saga, TV Tonight.

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