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argillites Meaning in Telugu ( argillites తెలుగు అంటే)

ఆర్గిలైట్స్, ఆర్లిలిట్స్

ఒక అవక్షేప రాక్ సిలికా ద్వారా కట్టుబడి మరియు ఒక స్లేట్ క్లావాజ్,

argillites's Usage Examples:

Metamorphism of argillites produces slate, phyllite, and pelitic schist.

Wellington to East Cape, and is composed primarily of Cretaceous greywacke, argillites, siltstones and sandstones.

In addition there are sandstones, argillites, hornfels, carbonate breccias (rauhwackes) and volcanic tuffs.

Tonzona Group composed of black slates and argillites, and the Tatina Group composed on black slates, argillites, greywackes, and interbedded limestones.

feldspar-rich sandstones, argillites and minor amounts of conglomerate.

and hard quartzites inter-bedded with softer shales, siltstones, and argillites.

andesite lava flows, pyroclastic rocks, volcanogenetic sandstones and argillites in north-central British Columbia, Canada, covering more than 30,000 km2.

Paleogene ages - known as flysch - composed of sandstones, siltstones, argillites, limestones, and marls.

formed by marine and ice-laid deposits, underlaid with sandstones and argillites.

Geologically, Motutapu comprises Waipapa series greywackes, cherts and argillites, overlaid with Waitemata tertiary sediments, and blanketed in Rangitoto.

a few green and brown shale interbeds; red and dark-gray interbedded argillites near the base.

Another name for poorly lithified argillites is mudstone.

mainly composed of limestones, siltstones, sandstones, conglomerates, and argillites of Paleozoic intruded by granites, granosyenite, and syenite.

argillites's Meaning in Other Sites