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appellative Meaning in Telugu ( appellative తెలుగు అంటే)

అప్పీలేటివ్, శీర్షికబడ్డ

పదాలు లేదా పదాలు గుర్తించి ఎవరైనా లేదా ఎవరైనా ఇతర వ్యక్తుల నుండి వేరు లేదా వేరు చేయబడుతుంది,


శీర్షికబడ్డ, పేరు,



appellative's Usage Examples:

is the observation that nominative can also mark left-dislocated NPs, appellatives and some objects in the active in Icelandic.

People"s Initiative (or "PI") is a common appellative in the Philippines that refers to either a mode for constitutional amendment provided by the 1987.

EtymologyThe name of the town originates from the river, Merkys, which originates from merkti, an appellative word in the Lithuanian language meaning to soak.

The set is pretty different if we consider the lexical material (appellatives and place names) of the inland of Chimara (Kurvelesh region) and the.

The appellative Sefunot was chosen for the Annual, as it has the distinct meaning of.

since ancient testimonies assert that he conflated proper nouns and appellatives, and classified the article together with pronouns.

, derived from common words (appellatives) of Celtic or rather Celtic-Latin origin; names that can be found in.

Others contain Old Norse and Old English male names and toponymic appellatives.

This toponymic appellative appears as a final -hou or associated with the Romance definite article.

If this identification is correct, V Iovia men had the appellative martiobarbuli, since they were expert in throwing plumbata, small darts.

appellate, appellation, appellative, repeal pellō pell- pepul- puls- push appulse, appulsion, appulsive, compel, compulsatory, compulsion, compulsive, compulsivity.

compound-formation in Welsh and Cornish toponymy, the name implies an appellative meaning of "broken woodland".

Giacomo da Lentini, also known as Jacopo da Lentini or with the appellative Il Notaro, was an Italian poet of the 13th century.


cognomen, soubriquet, designation, denomination, moniker, byname, sobriquet, title of respect, title, name, street name, nickname, form of address, appellation,


figurative, suggestive, inferential, connotative of, intensional,

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