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anionic Meaning in Telugu ( anionic తెలుగు అంటే)


anionic's Usage Examples:

SDS is an anionic detergent that denatures secondary and non–disulfide–linked tertiary structures, and additionally.

The porphyrin ring is a planar dianionic, tetradentate.

The active site of AChE comprises 2 subsites—the anionic site and the esteratic subsite.

The highly nucleophilic anionic reagent can be alkylated and carbonylated to give the acyl derivatives that undergo protonolysis to afford aldehydes:.

Lignosulfonates, or sulfonated lignin are water-soluble anionic polyelectrolyte polymers: they are byproducts from the production of wood pulp using sulfite.

These ligands include: polyanionic ligands including lipoproteins, apoptotic cells, cholesterol ester, phospholipids, proteoglycans, ferritin, and carbohydrates.

 Because of its anionic character, it is chemically incompatible with acids (meaning that it can create dangerous exothermic or toxic gas reactions), the majority of alkaloid salts and most local anesthetics.

The ability of the polar anionic σ-adduct to form will depend on the solvating capacity and the dielectric constant of the solvent.

Most anionic and non-ionic surfactants are non-toxic, having LD50 comparable to table.

SR-A1 can be alternatively spliced to generate a truncation at the C-terminus; it is contained within the Endoplasmatic Reticulum, and just like the unspliced version, has a strong affinity for polyanionic ligand binding.

IUPAC definition for anionic polymerization Ionic polymerization in which the active centers are anions.

Cationic detergents are similar to the anionic ones, with a hydrophilic component, but, instead of the anionic sulfonate group, the cationic surfactants.

Often anionic polymerization involves living polymerizations, which allows control of structure and composition.


detergent, non-ionic detergent, anionic detergent,



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