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anhedral Meaning in Telugu ( anhedral తెలుగు అంటే)

అంహెడ్రల్, ప్రిన్సిపల్ చర్చి


చర్చి, ప్రిన్సిపల్ చర్చి, కేథడ్రల్,

anhedral's Usage Examples:

Aggregates can be formed of individual crystals with euhedral to anhedral grains.

Its tandem wing design has one anhedral forward wing and one slightly larger dihedral rear wing.

into thin sheets muscovite, biotite Granular Bornite Aggregates of anhedral crystals in matrix bornite, scheelite Hemimorphic Hemimorphite Doubly terminated.

It usually occurs in the form of splotchy, anhedral crystals forming within a group or structure in other minerals or rocks.

The steep anhedral kept the tailplanes out of the engine exhaust while allowing.

The inboard engines were mounted at the joint between the inboard anhedral and outboard dihedral wing sections, above the pylon-mounted floats.

their 1903 first powered Flyer with anhedral (drooping) wings, which are inherently unstable.

DesignThe shoulder-mounted wings were swept back 35° and featured a small amount of anhedral.

Dutch roll tendencies; this is why high-winged aircraft often are slightly anhedral, and transport-category swept-wing aircraft are equipped with yaw dampers.

transparent adamantine blue, greenish brown, yellow to grey typically anhedral forms.

The opposite is anhedral (also known as xenomorphic or allotriomorphic): a rock with an anhedral texture is composed of mineral grains.

Granoblastic is an adjective describing an anhedral phaneritic equi-granular metamorphic rock texture.

developed faces is subhedral, and one with undeveloped crystal faces is called anhedral.

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