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anglophone Meaning in Telugu ( anglophone తెలుగు అంటే)




anglophone తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

, ఆసియా పలు ఆంగ్లోఫోన్ కరీబియన్ దేశాలలోలాగా మిశ్రితవర్ణ ఆఫ్రికన్లు తమను నల్లజాతి వారుగా పేర్కొంటారు.

ఆంగ్లోఫోన్ కరీబియన్ దేశాలలో ఒకటి.

ఆంగ్లోఫోన్ కెమెరోనియన్ ప్రదర్శనకారులను నైజీరియా సంగీతం ప్రభావితం చేసింది.

2017 లో ఫ్రాంకోఫోన్ అణచివేతకు వ్యతిరేకంగా ఆంగ్లోఫోన్ జనాభాలో నిరసనలకు ఫలితంగా నిరసనకారులు, ప్రజలు చంపబడడం, వందల మంది ఖైదుచేయబడడం, వేల సంఖ్యలో దేశం వది పారిపోవడం సంభవించాయి.

anglophone's Usage Examples:

Others argue that the blue flag represents the francophone Métis and the red flag represents the anglophone Métis.

This gave rise to the modern mathematical symbol ÷, used in anglophone countries as a division sign.

The vote in Canada is heavily divided along anglophone and francophone lines.

July 1948) was an English metallurgist, credited with the invention of "rustless steel" (later to be called "stainless steel" in the anglophone world).

The population of Chelsea is almost evenly divided between anglophones and francophones and both English and French languages are in common.

The anglophone proportion of the country is in constant regression,.

Growing up, he saw the domination of the anglophone minority in Quebec.

The Anglophone Crisis (French: Crise anglophone), also known as the Ambazonia War, or the Cameroonian Civil War, is a conflict in the Southern Cameroons.

She opted against another mayoral run in her own right after recognizing that given her massive unpopularity among anglophones it was impossible for her to become mayor.

The school board until 1998 was originally known as the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board (YRRCSSB) as an anglophone/francophone school district.

Launched in 1932 in reaction to the public nominations of unilingual anglophones, the movement reached its apogee the following year, in 1933.

(Yves, the anglophones sitting beside you will have never learned law in English either.

This was done by merging by language, francophone and anglophone as described below: Anglophone West was created by merging districts 14, 17, and.

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