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anchoritic Meaning in Telugu ( anchoritic తెలుగు అంటే)

వ్యాఖ్యాత, అంగుళిక్


anchoritic's Usage Examples:

was designed for those who wished to enter the cenobitic life in a semi-anchoritic monastery.

Eastern monasticism is found in three distinct forms: anchoritic (a solitary living in isolation), cenobitic (a community living and worshiping.

651, Approaching medieval English anchoritic and mystical texts Christianity and culture, Dee Dyas, Valerie Edden,.

Yet the anchoritic life, while similar to the eremitic life, can also be distinct from it.

Christian monastery is called cenobitic, as opposed to the anchoretic (or anchoritic) life of an anchorite and the eremitic life of a hermit.

as a religious habit has also been worn by those leading the religious eremitic and anchoritic life, although in their case without conformity to a particular.

evangelical counsels on the part of Christians who live the eremitic or anchoritic life without being members of a religious institute: A hermit is recognized.

subdivided the text into four sections, an introduction (19-24), Symeon"s anchoritic life (24-56), Symeon"s foolish life (56-93), and an epilogue (93-95).

the Catholic Church recognizes: the eremitic life, also known as the anchoritic life, "by which the Christian faithful devote their life to the praise.

by Saint Amun, under the spiritual guidance of Saint Anthony, it was designed for those who wished to enter the cenobitic life in a semi-anchoritic monastery.

habit has also been worn by those leading the religious eremitic and anchoritic life, although in their case without conformity to a particular uniform.

where caves or grottoes in remote mountainous terrain became the site of anchoritic habitation, and later hagiographic devotional cults, are not uncommon.

The anchoritic life is one of the earliest forms of Christian monasticism.


eremitic, hermitic, unworldly, eremitical, hermitical,


worldly, cenobitic, impious, sophisticated, earthly,

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