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afl Meaning in Telugu ( afl తెలుగు అంటే)




afl తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

సల్ఫర్ hexafluoride – SF6.

సల్ఫర్ tetrafluoride – SF4.

డైసల్ఫర్ decafluoride – S2F10.

Tetrafluorohydrazine – N2F4.

యురేనియం hexafluoride – UF6.

యురేనియం pentafluoride – UF5.

యురేనియం tetrafluoride – UF4.

జెనాన్ hexafluoroplatinate – Xe[PtF6].

జెనాన్ tetrafluoride – XeF4.

జిర్కోనియం tetrafluoride – ZrF4.

ఈ భగ్న మండలం లోపలి నుండి మాగ్మా వెలుపలికి ఉబికి వచ్చి కొత్త సముద్ర భూతలం (Seafloor) ను ఏర్పరుస్తుంది.

పత్రదళం పూర్తిగా నడిమి ఈనె వరకు, లేదా పత్రవృంతం అగ్రం వరకూ విభక్తమై అనేక పత్రకాలను (Leaflets) ఏర్పరుస్తుంది.

Folmer & Schwing (Graflex).

సముద్ర భూతల విస్తరణ (Seafloor spreading).

జాల్నా జిల్లా కరపత్రంను ఇంగ్లీషులో flyer, Flyer (pamphlet), flier, circular, handbill or leaflet అని అంటారు.

సాధారణంగా సముద్ర భూతల వ్యాప్తి (Seafloor spreading) సముద్రాంతర్గత రిడ్జ్ ల వద్ద జరుగుతుంది.


తద్వారా సముద్ర భూతల (Seafloor) నెమ్మదిగా విస్తరిస్తుంది.

A range of Traffic Advisory Leaflets produced by the UK Department for Transport covering cycling.

National Pension System (NPS) Leaflet.

afl's Usage Examples:

His name is given to Claflin University in South Carolina, a [black college] founded with funding from him and his father.

leafless stems (axes), which appear to be flattened, and which branch dichotomously.

Once alongside the whaling vessel, the whale was pumped full of air to keep it afloat, as the whale was moved to the location of processing.

It is a small plant with lush green foliage, bearing rounded, dully-toothed leaves and shiny green leaflike flowers.

Like many strong acids, hexafluorophosphoric acid is not isolable but is handled only in solution.

Modern seafloor mapping technologies have revealed linkages between seafloor geomorphology and benthic habitats, in which.

upgraded to Phase 3 configuration, with a peak performance of over 800 teraflops.

also worked on Aspergillus parasiticus, a type of mold which produces aflatoxin and in the biosynthesis of those cancer-causing chemicals.

– In: Flood and megaflood processes and deposits: resend and ancient examples // Int.

The leaves are 5–15 cm long, paripinnate with 4-8 pairs of leaflets, eglandular; leaflets oblong- elliptic and.

listing ship goes beyond the point where a righting moment will keep it afloat, it will capsize and potentially sink.

The pinnate leaves have a single terminal leaflet and 5 to 11 nearly opposite leaflets, each leaf is 15–20"nbsp;cm long, and the 3.

Polynoxylin (trade name Anaflex in Egypt) is an antiseptic for local treatment of the skin and the mouth.

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