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adoptive parent Meaning in Telugu ( adoptive parent తెలుగు అంటే)

అడాప్టివ్ పేరెంట్, పెంపుడు తల్లిదండ్రులు


పెంపుడు తల్లిదండ్రులు,

adoptive parent తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

విజయ, తండ్రిగా విజయకుమార్, పెంపుడు తల్లిదండ్రులుగా రాధాకుమారి, భీమేశ్వరరావు, తమ్ముడిగా బాబు మోహన్, గురువుగా మిక్కిలినేని, యక్షిణిగా రంభను ఎంపిక చేసుకున్నారు.

adoptive parent's Usage Examples:

It is also known as rehoming when adoptive parents use illegal means, such as the internet, to find.

Disreputable international adoption agencies then arrange international adoptions, charging high fees to prospective adoptive parents.

His adoptive parents tell him that his family will love him unconditionally regardless, and that differences lead everyone to their purposes.

His adoptive parents claim that they do not consider him a Cardassian any more, but allegations of abuse lead to an investigation into the family.

A home study or homestudy is a screening of the home and life of prospective adoptive parents prior to allowing an adoption to take place.

The adoptive parent is known as a matua whāngai, and the child is called a tamaiti whāngai.

With the forces of darkness defeated, Nick, Udonna, and Leanbow leave Briarwood to meet Nick's adoptive parents while the remaining Rangers stay behind to protect their home.

adoptee after adoption § 1-104 Legal relationship between adoptee and adoptive parent after adoption § 1-105 Legal relationship between adoptee and former.

intent to rear the child as their own or to sell to a prospective adoptive parent human trafficking, stealing a child with the intent to exploit the.

Family Find Me A Family is a British television series with the aim of rehoming of disadvantaged children with adoptive parents.

parents may be adoptive parents, who nurture and raise an offspring, but are not biologically related to the child.

Its plot follows a young woman whose adoptive parents are concealing a secret involving an abandoned farmhouse located deep in the woods on their sprawling property.

Based on Kove"s own experience as an adoptive parent, the film depicts a woman who catches a thread in the sky which carries.


parent, adopter,


child, father, female parent,

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