adhering Meaning in Telugu ( adhering తెలుగు అంటే)
కట్టుబడి, హిట్ వచ్చింది
పట్టుకొని, హిట్ వచ్చింది, పట్టుదలతో,
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adhering's Usage Examples:
however inside, even she is disturbed by Mansoor"s nonappearance as she has dependably observed him lovey dovey and adhering to her at all circumstances previously.
Thus, every local church maintains an individual set of rules, adhering to its own Ordnung, which may vary from district to district as each community administers its own guidelines.
The larvae have been found tunnelling in the feathers and pupating just below the nest surface in a cylindrical cocoon of thin silk with adhering.
adhering tightly to a surface (substrate) like a thick coat of paint squamulose – formed of small leaf-like scales crustose below but free at the tips.
include all species with pigmented spores, adhering tubes and laccate crusted pilei, which resulted with a total of 48 species classified under the genus Ganoderma.
adhering to pious opinions of the Immaculate Conception and the perpetual virginity of Mary, along with the caveat that all doctrine and piety should exalt.
Zimowski, said that "The Church, adhering to the mandate of Jesus, "Euntes docete et curate infirmos" (Mt 10:6-8, Go, preach and heal the sick), during the.
According to Haegeman, instances of long adverb fronting appear to behave like fronted arguments, adhering to the three distinctions not typically expected of adjuncts such as adverbial phrases.
include all species with pigmented spores, adhering tubes and laccate crusted pilei, which resulted in a total of 48 species classified under the genus Ganoderma.
Pollotarianism is the practice of adhering to a diet that incorporates poultry as the only source of meat in an otherwise vegetarian diet.
More than half of the intervention group (56%) who were previously pre-Action were adhering to their prescribed medication regimen at the 18-month follow-up.
themselves as adhering to facts in contradiction to conservatives presumably disregarding professional and scientific expertise.
fit, match, tally, agree, gibe, check, correspond, jibe,
unharness, uncouple, unhitch, unjust, disagree,