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acrophony Meaning in Telugu ( acrophony తెలుగు అంటే)

అక్రోఫోనీ, అప్రాన్

ఒక పదం ఉపయోగించి వర్ణమాల యొక్క ఒక లేఖ పేరు పెట్టడం, దీని ప్రారంభ ధ్వని లేఖ ద్వారా చూపబడుతుంది,

acrophony తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

దాదాపు 800 కోచ్‌లు, అప్రాన్స్ , స్టేషను ప్లాట్‌ఫారముల వాషింగ్ సహా రైళ్ల నిర్వహణ కొరకు రోజువారీ నీటి వినియోగం 30,000 లీటర్ల అవసరం ఉంది.

acrophony's Usage Examples:

In the acrophony of the Thai script, ra-khang (ระฆัง) means ‘bell’.

In the acrophony of the Thai script.

In the acrophony of the Thai script, khwai (ควาย) means ‘water buffalo’.

See Greek numerals and acrophony.

In the acrophony of the Thai script, chan (จาน) means ‘plate’.

*bayt-), and appears to derive from an Egyptian hieroglyph of a house by acrophony.

According to the principle of acrophony, the letter A originated from the Proto-Sinatic alphabet as a symbol representing.

In the acrophony of the Thai script, choe (เฌอ) means ‘tree’.

In the acrophony of the Thai script, chang (ช้าง) means "elephant".

In the acrophony of the.

which each letter was associated with a word that begins with that sound (acrophony), continue to be used to varying degrees in Samaritan, Aramaic, Syriac.

a 2nd-century manuscript by Herodian; or as acrophonic numerals (from acrophony) because the basic symbols derive from the first letters of the (ancient).

Possible Egyptian prototype Phoenician Possible acrophony ʾalp ox bet house gaml thrown hunting club digg fish, door haw, hillul jubilation waw hook zen.





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