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acerola Meaning in Telugu ( acerola తెలుగు అంటే)

ఎసిరోలా, ఎసెరోల



acerola's Usage Examples:

Common names include acerola cherry, Barbados cherry, West Indian cherry, and wild crepe myrtle.

At least 30 persons were detained by the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN) after the cacerolazo in Villa Rosa.

MoroccoIn 2017 and 2018, Hirak Rif or Rif Movement activists in the Rif region used Cacerolazo to protest against Morocco's politics in the Rif region.

On May 31, 2012, a nationwide cacerolazo took place with a massive following of approximately ten thousand people in the capital alone.

Cacerolazos were organized in 2011 for two different reasons.

The cacerolazo later led to organised street protests, often of a violent nature, directed against the government and banks.

– Barbados cherry, acerola (southern Texas and Florida, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, northern.

It was no less than Capriles himself who called for a cacerolazo to denounce the election results, after the National Electoral Council declared Nicolás Maduro of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela the official winner in the snap presidential elections held the previous day.

On 15 June cacerolazos were held in Caracas, where the banging pots were heard throughout the capital city.

On March 25, 2008, a group led by Luis D'Elía, a supporter of the Kirchner administration, and a cacerolazo violently faced each other during the demonstrations pro and against the export tax policy of Cristina Kirchner's government.

The event raised a noticeable polemic, as news coverage from most government-aligned newspapers and TV broadcasters was reduced to a minimum, and government officials' claim regarding that the cacerolazo only represented a small and minority portion of the population.

After the results of the 2018 presidential election were read, where Nicolás Maduro was declared reelected, many Venezuelans throughout Caracas started a cacerolazo protest against Maduro, with some beginning to barricade streets.

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