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abrogates Meaning in Telugu ( abrogates తెలుగు అంటే)

రద్దు చేస్తుంది, అబ్రాగేట్

అధికారికంగా రద్దు చేయండి,



abrogates's Usage Examples:

Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment and that the Bankruptcy Clause itself abrogates state sovereign immunity in bankruptcy cases.

legislation on the subject exists; or contrary to law (contra legem) when it derogates from or abrogates a statute already in force.

and regulates to be enacted, printed and published in English only, it abrogates the constitutional duty owed by Alberta to enact, print and publish its.

Nothing in sections 16 to 20 abrogates or derogates from any right, privilege or obligation with respect to the English and.

"Quercus infectoria galls possess antioxidant activity and abrogates oxidative stress-induced functional alterations in murine macrophages".

Nothing in sections 16 to 20 abrogates or derogates from any legal or customary right or privilege acquired or enjoyed either.

it abrogates all the collections, even the.

and Cuba signed the 1934 Treaty of Relations that in its first article abrogates the 1903 Treaty of Relations.

Supreme Court case holding that the Bankruptcy Clause of the Constitution abrogates state sovereign immunity.

kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in activated T cells abrogates TRAIL-induced apoptosis upstream of the mitochondrial amplification loop.

" The Agreement also stated that "nothing in this agreement abrogates or derogates from any Aboriginal, treaty or other rights of Aboriginal.

chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) Dinaciclib promotes apoptosis and abrogates microenvironmental cytokine protection in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Nothing in sections 16 to 20 abrogates or derogates from any right, privilege or obligation with respect to the.


abolish, get rid of,


establish, kern, muzzle,

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