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zealously Meaning in Tamil ( zealously வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மிகுந்த ஆர்வத்தோடு,

zealously தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


zealously's Usage Examples:

The marriage was zealously opposed by Archbishop Malger of Rouen and Lanfranc, the prior of Bec; but Lanfranc was persuaded to intercede with the Curia, and Pope Nicholas II.

Three magistri belonging to that society, one of whom was August Hermann Francke, subsequently the founder of the famous orphanage at Halle (1695), commenced courses of expository lectures on the Scriptures of a practical and devotional character, and in the German language, which were zealously frequented by both students and townsmen.

Game is protected zealously, i not successfully, by the state, and it was officially estimated in 1898 that there were then probably 7000 elk, as many mountain sheep, 25,000 antelope and roo,000 deer within its borders (by far the greatest part in Routt and Rio Blanco counties).

Elected a member of the National Assembly in 1871, he zealously supported the Orleanist party.

During the Civil War he zealously supported the national government and was called upon in every quarter to speak at public meetings.

He is stated also to have influenced the king in issuing his dispensing declaration of the 26th of December 1662, and he zealously supported a bill introduced for the purpose of confirming the declaration, rising thereby in favour and influence with Charles.

A few years later, however, he had reversed his position, and zealously defended the supremacy of the pope.

He went to America in 1531, and after serving his order zealously in Peru, Guatemala and Mexico, was chosen to explore the country north of Sonora, whose wealth was pictured in the hearsay stories of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca.

They shared in every danger and in every success, and each was expected to vindicate the honour of another as promptly and zealously as his own.

He accordingly obtained for him an appointment as professor of mathematics in the Ecole Militaire of Paris, and continued zealously to forward his interests.

A young round-faced officer, quite a boy still and evidently only just out of the Cadet College, who was zealously commanding the two guns entrusted to him, addressed Pierre sternly.

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