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zealous Meaning in Tamil ( zealous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பெரும் ஆர்வம் மிக்க, சுறுசுறுப்பு மிக்க,

zealous தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கரீபியத் தீவுகளில் நிகழ்ந்த குடியேற்றத்தைத் தொடர்ந்து கரீபியக் கடல் பகுதி ஐரோப்பிய வணிகம் சார்ந்த கடல் வர்த்தகத்திற்கும் போக்குவரத்திற்கும் ஒரு சுறுசுறுப்பு மிக்க இடமாக மாறியது.

zealous's Usage Examples:

He was a zealous Hanoverian, and a favourite with Queen Anne in spite of his Whiggism.

In the Peloponnesian War the Boeotians, embittered by the early conflicts round Plataea, fought zealously against Athens.

Fawkes was despatched to Flanders, where he imparted the plot to Hugh Owen, a zealous Romanist intriguer.

Whilst Protestant opponents put him in the list of atheists like Vanini, and the Catholics held him as dangerous as Luther or Calvin, there were zealous adherents who ventured to prove the theory of vortices in harmony with the book of Genesis.

As a zealous churchman and Protestant he still possessed a following.

He continued his studies in Strassburg, under the professor of Hebrew, Johannes Pappus (1549-1610), a zealous Lutheran, the crown of whose life's work was the forcible suppression of Calvinistic preaching and worship in the city, and who had great influence over him.

Padre Martini was a zealous collector of musical literature, and possessed an extensive musical library.

It is somewhat hard to understand why so little favour was shown by the king to one who had proved himself able and willing to do good service, and who, in spite of his disappointments, still continued zealously to offer advice and assistance.

At first the prior treated the provocation with merited contempt, but his too zealous disciple Fra Domenico accepted the challenge.

Philip and Alexander, who sincerely admired Athenian culture and courted a zealous co-operation against Persia, treated the conquered city with marked favour.

Kids learn at their own pace, so do not be overzealous in your expectations of their origami skills.

Pupils flocked to him from all European countries; Germans are especially mentioned; a Polish student reported and published some of his lectures; and the Englishman Kaye was a zealous disciple, who does not, however, seem to have done anything towards transplanting this method of instruction to his own country.


enthusiastic, avid,


spiritless, undesirous, unenthusiastic,

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