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yond Meaning in Tamil ( yond வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கூட்டணைப்ப, ஒப்பந்த பத்திரம்,

yond தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

குத்தகை, குடியிருப்பு ஒப்பந்தம் மற்றும் முன்காப்பீடு ஒப்பந்த பத்திரம் போன்ற பல சேவைகளுக்கு மின்னணு முத்திரைத்தாள் பயன்படுத்தபடுகிறது.

yond's Usage Examples:

He made also a processional way past the side of the temple to the cemetery beyond, with a great gateway of granite.

The doctrinal decisions of the ancient Church remained the indestructible canon of belief, and what the theologians of the ancient Church had taught was reverenced as beyond improvement.

Still, there were more false leads than successes before the hall clocked tolled eleven and Cynthia announced it was beyond everyone's bedtime.

gloss that makes lips beyond delectable.

His main sympathies are with the Neo-Kantians, and especially with Lange in modifying the a priori, and in extending the power of reason beyond phenomena to an ideal world; and yet the cry of his phenomenalism is not " back to Kant," but " beyond Kant.

If this was beyond her abilities, it would sound ugly.

Here the palm groves begin also, and from this point to a little beyond Bagdad the shores of the river are well cultivated.

Suddenly, the market was beyond intrigued by the notion of lathering up in calorie-free goodness that could only be described as second best to the real thing.

There is no reality beyond the ego itself.

, beyond which is a zone of lichen and moss covered or almost bare rock.

The work of Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682-1771) had and still preserves a permanent importance beyond that of all the contemporary theorists.

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