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yoni Meaning in Tamil ( yoni வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



yoni தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


yoni's Usage Examples:

by tangential division of the cells of the blastoderm, as in Geryonia, or by a mixture of immigration and delamination, as in Hydra, Tubularia, 'c.

Other environmental factors: Exposure to certain substances called teratogens (agents that may interfere with prenatal development) during pregnancy may cause embryonic or fetal malformations.

Jacobson's organ has been lost by the birds, apparently without a trace in the embryonic fowl, but T.

Insect metamorphosis may be briefly described as phenomena of development characterized by abrupt changes of appearance and of structure, occurring during the period subsequent to embryonic development and antecedent to the reproductive state.

COATI, or COATI-MUNDI, the native name of the members of the genus Nasua, of the mammalian family Procyonidae.

Expansion of the extra-embryonic coelom cavity allows the yolk sac and allantois to expand into the coelom cavity allows the yolk sac and allantois to expand into the coelom cavity from the gut of the embryo.

In other Pectinibranchia (and such variations are representative for all Mollusca, and not characteristic only of Pectinibranchia) we find that there is a very unequal division of the egg-cell at the commencement of embryonic development, as in Nassa.

Evidence of a pluripotent human embryonic stem cell line derived from a cloned blastocyst.

The careful study of the development of one Acoelous form and of certain Rhabdocoels has strengthened this hypothesis by showing that no definite enteron or gut is at first laid down, but that certain embryonic syncytial tracts become digestive tracts, others excretory, others again muscular.

Genera: (a) Fixata: Isis, Gorgonia, Alcyonium, Spongia, Flustra, Tubularia, Corallina, Sertularia, Vorticella.

Schwangart, who has studied (1904) the embryonic insects, twenty-one of these divisions - not, however, all similar - development of Lepidoptera.

An amphictyonic league, meeting in common rites at the temple of Hera on the Lacinian promontory, fostered a feeling of unity among them.

The young Brachiopod in all its species is protected by an embryonic shell called the " protegulum," which sometimes persists in the umbones of the adult shells but is more usually worn off.

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