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yams Meaning in Tamil ( yams வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உண்ணும் கிழங்கு கொண்ட கொடி, வள்ளிக் கிழங்குச் செடி,

yams's Usage Examples:

Directed by Peter Hyams, it starred Roy Schieder of Jaws fame, and (fortunately, in this viewer's opinion) lost much of the psychedelic mystical overtones that hampered the original movie.

White and sweet potatoes, yams, sweet and bitter yuccas, sago and okra, may also be mentioned.

The principal cultivated plants, apart from sugar-cane and coffee, are rice (in great variety of kinds), the coco-nut palm, the areng palm, the areca and the sago palms, maize, yams, and sweet potatoes; and among the fruit trees are the Indian tamarind, pomegranate, guava, papaw, orange and lemon.

In Ghana, farmers plant up to 54 different varieties of climbing yams (Dioscorea spp.

Tobacco, maize, sweet potatoes, yams, kava, taro, beans and pumpkins, are the principal crops.

'- There are other terms for bundles of sugarcanes, rows (planted) of yams, 'c.

Among the products are coco-nuts, sago, fish, trepang, timber, copra, maize, yams and tobacco.

Among the food-giving plants are rice - the staff of life to the majority of the Malagasy - in many varieties, maize, millet, manioc, yams,;sweet-potatoes, arrowroot, which is largely used by the western tribes - as well as numerous vegetables, many of them of foreign introduction.

The cultivated products include coffee, the Coco-nut palm, tobacco, sugar-cane, cotton, vanilla, sorghum, earthnuts, sesame, maize, rice, beans, peas, bananas (in large quantities), yams, manioc and hemp.

The natives grow several kinds of bananas, yams and batatas, maize, pea-nuts, sugar-cane, sorghum and pepper.

There are many coco-nut palms, bread-fruit trees (Artocarpus incisa), various kinds of bananas, yams and taro, and pandanus, of which the natives eat the seeds.

Other agricultural products are sweet potatoes, cassava (manioc), yuca, yams, white potatoes, maguey, okra, peanuts, pease, all the vegetables of the hot and temperate climates, oranges, lemons, limes, bananas, plantains, figs, grapes, coco-nuts, pine-apples, strawberries, plums, guavas, breadfruit, mangoes and many others.

The island produces sweet potatoes, yams, melons, bananas and other fruits, arrowroot and coffee.


tuber, yam plant,



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