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yap Meaning in Tamil ( yap வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


yap's Usage Examples:

, in winter; the yapanjah, or woollen Kurdish cloak, a kind of felt, having a shaggy side, of immense thickness, worn generally by shepherds, who use it as greatcoat, bed and bedding.

Describe how Lyapunov exponents can be used to determine the fractal dimension of a strange attractor in a dissipative system.

who is a judge of lesser causes; the recorder (iEpop,v, iwv); and so on, down to the cleaners of the lamps (Aa ora86pwwL), the attendant of the lights and the bearer of the images (1 3ao - Tayap10s) and of the holy ointment (µvp056Tns).

yapping dogs and excited children.

ob yap 'Ia- n ', Kpvirrbv O ob cPavE[pOv yev170'ETa6 Kai TEBappivov b o[1K iyEpO17vETaL.

388), heeding not the visitation of the gods, or of) yap KUKXw7rec Ate .

Coyotes are creatures of slinking and stealthy habits, living in burrows in the plains, and hunting in packs at night, when they utter yapping cries and blood-curdling yells as they gallop.

3 Sophron's mime began with 7r6, yap a 6ac i 5aXTos; Theocritus's begins with ir¢ b un Tai SacAvac; The Scholiast thought that Theocritus showed want of taste in, making Thestylis a persona muta, instead of giving her a share in the dialogue as Sophron had done.

ex nihilo nihil), nor from being (E'in yap a y arw Kai ou ybioLTo).

9 (4, 5), on the relation of Greek sacrifices and festivals to Kou'wviac and politics: al yap apxaiac Ovotac Kai vuvoSoa 4aivovrac yiyveo-Oat uera rhs Kaplrcov crvyKoptSas olov airapxai; cf.

He is the central figure of legends in the Aitareyabrahmana, Mahabharata and the Markandeyapurana.

477, Kasyapa the Parricide built his palace, and thought to find an inaccessible refuge from his enemies.


yip, yelp, bark,


uncover, natural elevation, let go of,

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