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wrested Meaning in Tamil ( wrested வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பற்றியிழு, பிடுங்கு, குதர்க்கம்,

wrested தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தப்பியோடிய ஒரு சிறுமியைத் துரத்தி அச்சிறுமியின் கூந்தலைப் பற்றியிழுத்து துப்பாக்கியால் சுட முயன்றார்.

பாரதக் கதை நிகழ்ச்சியான அரக்கு மாளிகை தீப்பிடித்தல், பீமன் காப்பாற்றல், திரௌபதியின் கூந்தலை துச்சாதனன் பற்றியிழுத்தல், பீமன் வஞ்சினம், துரியன் தொடையை பீமன் முறித்தது ஆகிய புராணச் செய்திகள் இதில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளன.

wrested's Usage Examples:

The British connexion with Darjeeling dates from 1816, when, at the close of the war with Nepali, the British made over to the Sikkim raja the tarai tract, which had been wrested from him and annexed by Nepal.

At Marash, half way between Caesarea and Antioch, Baldwin, who had meanwhile wrested Tarsus from Tancred, rejoined the ranks; but he soon left the main body again, and struck eastward towards Edessa, to found a principality there.

Cynewulf of Wessex >>In 779 he was at war with Cynewulf of Wessex from whom he wrested Bensington.

It was, for instance, necessary to the well-being of the towns that they should possess territory round their walls, and this had to be wrested from the nobles.

Behind him, to the far right, I could see the front door was off its hinges, wrested to a strange angle.

256) and Andros (227), and wrested the overlordship of the Cyclades from the Ptolemies.

Murkertagh was chief of the great north Irish clan, the Cinel Eoghain,' and after becoming king of Ireland about the year 517, he wrested from a neighbouring clan a tract of country in the modern County Derry, which remained till the 17th century in the possession of the Cinel Eoghain.

The charred portal was wrested open.

GIBEON, a town in Palestine whose inhabitants wrested a truce from Joshua by a trick (Josh.

, and acting not as a Crusader but as a king of Sicily, he not only wrested a large indemnity from the bey for himself and the new king of France, but also secured a large annual tribute for his Sicilian exchequer.

In 1530 he was again seized by the duke and imprisoned for four years underground, in the castle of Chillon, till he was released in 1536 by the Bernese, who then wrested Vaud from the duke.

In 728 the Lombard king Luitprand took and destroyed the suburb Classis; about 752 the city itself fell into the hands of his successor Aistulf, from whom a few years after it was wrested by Pippin, king of the Franks.

in other words they hoped to wheedle him out of even more than they had wrested from his predecessor.




give, unclasp,

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