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wrest Meaning in Tamil ( wrest வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பற்றியிழு, பிடுங்கு, குதர்க்கம்,

wrest தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தப்பியோடிய ஒரு சிறுமியைத் துரத்தி அச்சிறுமியின் கூந்தலைப் பற்றியிழுத்து துப்பாக்கியால் சுட முயன்றார்.

பாரதக் கதை நிகழ்ச்சியான அரக்கு மாளிகை தீப்பிடித்தல், பீமன் காப்பாற்றல், திரௌபதியின் கூந்தலை துச்சாதனன் பற்றியிழுத்தல், பீமன் வஞ்சினம், துரியன் தொடையை பீமன் முறித்தது ஆகிய புராணச் செய்திகள் இதில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளன.

wrest's Usage Examples:

People flocked to see dissections of executed criminals, whose corpses had been surreptitiously yanked from scaffolds, or wrestled away from waiting families.

, for pardon, he entered the service of Augustus the Strong of Saxony and Poland, with the deliberate intention of wresting from Sweden Livonia, to which he had now no hope of returning so long as that province belonged to the Swedish Crown.

What could have been a stereotypical sidekick role is wrestled to the fore by Law 's refusal to play dumb.

Wrestling shoes are flat soled, with a high ankle designed to give suppport to the wearer's lower legs, which bear a huge amount of weight during a wrestling bout.

He wrestles with Achelous for Deianeira (" destructive to husband "), daughter of Oeneus, king of Calydon, vanquishes the river god, and breaks off one of his horns, which as a horn of plenty is found as an attribute of Hercules in art.

His first actual developed game was Lost Warld, a war-themed platformer with a masked female wrestler for a protagonist.

wrestle back Welles from the film buffs.

Several warriors and wrestlers, hearing of Guru Har Govind's fame, came to him for service.

The British connexion with Darjeeling dates from 1816, when, at the close of the war with Nepali, the British made over to the Sikkim raja the tarai tract, which had been wrested from him and annexed by Nepal.

For the first time gamer, the latest generation of games featuring professional wrestlers may seem too complex.

At Marash, half way between Caesarea and Antioch, Baldwin, who had meanwhile wrested Tarsus from Tancred, rejoined the ranks; but he soon left the main body again, and struck eastward towards Edessa, to found a principality there.

Cynewulf of Wessex >>In 779 he was at war with Cynewulf of Wessex from whom he wrested Bensington.




give, unclasp,

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