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woollens Meaning in Tamil ( woollens வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


செம்மறி ஆட்டு உரோமத்தால் செய்யப்பட்ட ஆடை, ரோமத்தால், கம்பளியால்,

woollens தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

குளிர்காலத்தில் இந்த ரோமமானது அடர்த்தியான பட்டுப்போன்ற ரோமத்தால் மாற்றம் செய்யப்படுகின்றது.

woollens's Usage Examples:

Modern looms for the manufacture of woollens were introduced in 1861 and of cotton goods in 1874.

The industries consist of the manufactures of woollens and tweeds, and of meal and flour mills.

The principal articles of import are shirtings, drills, jeans and twills, opium, woollens, steel, lead, needles, J apanese sea-weed and sugar; and of export, wool, skins, beans and pease, straw braid, coal, dates, tobacco and rhubarb.

The industries include distilling and brewing, nursery gardening, tanning, saw and flour mills, iron-foundries and manufactures of woollens, tweeds and plaiding, and the quarrying of sandstone.

Modern Plymouth has varied and important manufactures comprising cordage, woollens, rubber goods, 'c.

Cotton goods are largely produced in Baden, Bavaria, Alsace-Lorraine and Wurttemberg, woollens and worsteds in Saxony and the Rhine province, silk in Rhen.

The industries include the manufacture of woollens and confectionery, tanning and engineering, and there is a considerable agricultural trade.

The herringfishery is the chief industry, but there is some weaving of woollens and, in summer, a considerable influx of visitors.

The industries of Pistoia include iron and steel works, especially manufactures of glass, silk, macaroni, woollens, olive oil, ropes, paper, vehicles and fire-arms.

The chief manufactures are swords, stoneware, carpets and rugs, woollens, cottons, silks and sheepskin pelisses (pustin, Afghan poshtin).

Machinery, coal, iron, woollens, ships, lead and copper are the commodities supplied by the United Kingdom.

Next after cottons come woollens, silk, cloth, chemicals, machinery, paper, furniture, hats, cement, leather, glass and china and other products.


fabric, cloth, wool, material, woolen, tweed, textile,


incorporeality, incorporeal, unbodied, immateriality, insulator,

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