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willing Meaning in Tamil ( willing வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



willing's Usage Examples:

He was willing to admit he was wrong, but he wasn't going to grovel.

The store manager or franchisee knows from the outset whether the job seeker is looking for full or part-time hours and whether the hours they are willing to work are a good match for the restaurant's needs.

Although he had been most violent in denouncing the anti-clerical policy of the Combes cabinet, he now announced his willingness to recognize a new regime to replace the Concordat, and gave the government his support in the establishment of the Associations cultuerles, while he secured some mitigation of the severities attending the separation.

The security of the treasury was also so jealously scrutinized that even the price which the tenant might be willing to pay was often disallowed.

He never willingly read or thought or talked about affairs of state.

Carmen was always willing to listen, whether it was something happening at work or his plans about the wildlife safari.

Damian regarded her coolly, unwilling to let someone so undeserving get the best of him.

Once a nation shows its willingness to seize foreign-owned property at will, foreign investors are reluctant to do business there again.

But" Andre paused, debating silently "I'd say you need to determine how much you are willing to trust her.

Unwilling to go on, she stopped and hugged herself, watching Keaton plunge into the water.

At this point, having rejected both the Newtonian mechanism of bodily substances and the Leibnitzian automatism of monadic substances, he flew to the Spinozistic unity of substance; except that, according to him, the one substance, God, is not extended at all, and is not merely thinking, but is a thinking, willing and acting spirit.

It has also clearly demonstrated its contempt for democracy through its willingness to ignore the democratically expressed wishes of the electorates in member states.

It was, then, to a good subject that Miss Sullivan brought her devotion and intelligence, and fearless willingness to experiment.


happy, inclined, glad, willing and able, ready, temperament, disposed, compliant, disposition, volitional, prepared, fain, consenting, voluntary,


defiant, disinclined, involuntary, unready, unwilling,

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