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willow Meaning in Tamil ( willow வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அலரி போன்ற ஒரு வகைச் செடி,

willow's Usage Examples:

Timber trees are almost confined to the river valleys, where willows, yellow wood, iron wood, red wood, mimosas and, in deep gorges, the wild fig are found.

willowy women with short dates -- they can be worn fashionably by all women.

They feed chiefly on grass, but also on moss, lichens and tender shoots of the willow and pine.

Lizzie Farey Established artist, using Scottish grown willow and other natural materials, with techniques derived from traditional basketry.

, 75) stated that all kinds of willows invariably throve best on the driest spots of some wet land planted by him.

The former forests of the state were of two general classes: on the bottom lands along the rivers grew cottonwood, willow, honey-locust, coffee trees, black ash, and elm; on the less heavily wooded uplands were oaks (white, red, yellow and bur), hickory (bitternut and pignut), white and green ash, butternut, ironwood and hackberry.

An area of basketry willows has been planted in a wet area of the site.

Only the tall, willowy Cher could pull off this look as she took home the Best Actress Award for her unforgettable role in Moonstruck.

, or dioecious with staminate and pistillate flowers on different plants, as in willows and poplars, cross pollination only is possible.

babylonica is sometimes spoken of as Pope's willow, having been cultivated by that poet, or as Napoleon's willow, because his tomb at St Helena is overshadowed by a tree of this species, from which many offsets exist or are reputed to exist in modern gardens.

Yet they rejected with scorn and derision the pacific overtures of their political opponents, the Potoccy, the Radziwillowie, and the Braniscy, Prince Michal openly declaring that of two tyrannies he preferred the tyranny of the Muscovite to the 2 Michal Kazimierz Radziwill alone was worth thirty millions.

The work restored two old willow pollards and created three new pollards.

Pines of three species, junipers, larches, oaks, maples, willows and the Thuja Orientalis have been identified.


bearberry willow, Salix alba sericea, Salix discolor, crack willow, Salix, Salix tristis, arctic willow, laurel willow, Babylonian weeping willow, sage willow, Salix amygdaloides, creeping willow, pussy willow, Salix uva-ursi, genus Salix, Salix cinerea, Salix alba caerulea, grey willow, Salix pendulina blanda, Salix sericea, Salix blanda, Salix nigra, swamp willow, balsam willow, Salix candida, Salix herbacea, Wisconsin weeping willow, tree, Salix lucida, willow tree, Salix lasiolepis, Salix arctica, bay willow, weeping willow, cricket-bat willow, peach-leaved willow, Salix pendulina, sallow, dwarf grey willow, Salix babylonica, Salix sitchensis, shining willow, Salix pyrifolia, dwarf gray willow, arroyo willow, brittle willow, Sitka willow, snap willow, osier, Salix pentandra, silver willow, Salix humilis, silky willow, hoary willow, Huntingdon willow, white willow, gray willow, dwarf willow, peachleaf willow, Salix alba, Salix repens, prairie willow, almond-leaves willow, Salix fragilis, black willow,



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