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viceroy Meaning in Tamil ( viceroy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



viceroy தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

செவ்வப்ப நாயக்கரின் தந்தை திம்மப்ப நாயக்கர் விஜயநகரப் பேரரசர் கிருஷ்ண தேவராயருக்கு நெருங்கிய அதிகாரியும், வட ஆற்காட்டில் இராஜப்பிரதிநிதியாகவும் இருந்தவர்.

மேலும் இராஜப்பிரதிநிதி தங்குவதற்கான மாளிகைக்கு தில்லியிலுள்ள முடிசூட்டுப் பூங்காவில் அடிக்கல் நாட்டினார்.

அதுவரை சாதாரன இராஜப்பிரதிநிதிகளாக இருந்த பல்லவர்கள், பின்னர் காஞ்சிபுரம் மற்றும் அதன் சுற்றியுள்ள பகுதிகளின் சுதந்திரமான அரசர்களாக மாறினர்.

viceroy's Usage Examples:

He was recognized with acclamation by the army, by the religious bodies, by the principal tribal chiefs and by all classes of the people as their lawful sovereign; while a deputation of Indian Mahommedans was despatched to Kabul from India to convey the condolences and congratulations of the viceroy.

The emperor consented to appoint him his viceroy (locum tenens per Transylvaniam), and the sultan ratified his election.

The ancient ritual (Chow Li) carefully graded the right of sacrifice from the viceroys of provinces down to the humblest district-superintendent who offered to the spirits of his district, the hills, lakes and grains.

The first disputes about the jurisdiction of the clergy were moved by Gudmund in the 13th century, bringing on a civil war, while the questions of patronage and rights over glebe and mortmainland occupied Bishop Arni and his adversaries fifty years afterwards, when the land was under Norwegian viceroys and Norwegian law.

Eugene Beauharnais, viceroy of the kingdom of Italy, showed both constancy and courage; but after the battle of Leipzig (October 1619, 1813) his power crumbled away under the assaults of the now victorious Austrians.

The continual encroachments of the Portuguese at length led the Spanish government to take the important step of making Buenos Aires the seat of a viceroyalty with jurisdiction over the territories of the present republics of Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and the Argentine Confederation (1776).

The famous expedition of Abraha, the Abyssinian viceroy, against Mecca, took place in 570.

He was accused of erroneous doctrine, and the Spanish viceroy of Naples prohibited his preaching.

), a voluminous writer on Portuguese history and the arch-commentator of Camoens, wrote, by an irony of fate, in Spanish, and Mello's classic account of the Catalonian War is also in that language, while, by a still greater irony, Jacinto Freire de Andrade thought to picture and exalt the Cato-like viceroy of India by his grandiloquent Vida de D.

The most celebrated captains of these wars were present on either side - under Gaston de Foix were Bayard, Yves d'Allegre, La Palisse; and under Cardona the Spanish viceroy of Naples, Pedro Navarro the great engineer, and Pescara the originator of the Spanish tactical system.

Few people have been so slandered as this great viceroy of the Orient.

Aurangzeb, who erected here a mausoleum to his wife which has been compared to the Taj at Agra, made the city the seat of his government during his viceroyalty of the Deccan, and gave it the name of Aurangabad.


brush-footed butterfly, Limenitis, genus Limenitis, four-footed butterfly, Limenitis archippus, nymphalid, nymphalid butterfly,



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