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viceroys Meaning in Tamil ( viceroys வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



viceroys தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

செவ்வப்ப நாயக்கரின் தந்தை திம்மப்ப நாயக்கர் விஜயநகரப் பேரரசர் கிருஷ்ண தேவராயருக்கு நெருங்கிய அதிகாரியும், வட ஆற்காட்டில் இராஜப்பிரதிநிதியாகவும் இருந்தவர்.

மேலும் இராஜப்பிரதிநிதி தங்குவதற்கான மாளிகைக்கு தில்லியிலுள்ள முடிசூட்டுப் பூங்காவில் அடிக்கல் நாட்டினார்.

அதுவரை சாதாரன இராஜப்பிரதிநிதிகளாக இருந்த பல்லவர்கள், பின்னர் காஞ்சிபுரம் மற்றும் அதன் சுற்றியுள்ள பகுதிகளின் சுதந்திரமான அரசர்களாக மாறினர்.

viceroys's Usage Examples:

The ancient ritual (Chow Li) carefully graded the right of sacrifice from the viceroys of provinces down to the humblest district-superintendent who offered to the spirits of his district, the hills, lakes and grains.

The first disputes about the jurisdiction of the clergy were moved by Gudmund in the 13th century, bringing on a civil war, while the questions of patronage and rights over glebe and mortmainland occupied Bishop Arni and his adversaries fifty years afterwards, when the land was under Norwegian viceroys and Norwegian law.

During the rule of Don Pedro de Toledo (one of the best viceroys) Naples became the centre of a Protestant movement which spread to the rest of Italy, but was ultimately crushed by the Inquisition.

By means of his sons and his deputies (or viceroys) and by his system of matrimonial alliances he gave Athens a widespread influence in the centres of commerce, and brought her into connexion with the growing sources of trade and production in the eastern parts of the Greek world.

It became the usual residence of the Aragonese viceroys of the 13th and 14th centuries.

From this time there was a succession of viceroys until 1824.

The viceroys were chief magistrates, but in legal matters they had to consult the Audiencia of judges, in finance the Tribunal de Cuentas, in other branches of administration the Juntas de Gobierno and de Guerra.

The viceroys of Peru still persevered in their attempts to plant a colony in the hypothetical southern continent.

The extortions necessitated by these wars for the maintenance of armies and the incompetence of the viceroys brought Egypt at this time into a miserable condition; and the numerous political crises at Bagdad prevented for a time any serious measures being taken to improve it.

Some of the powerful viceroys of Dushan's provinces speedily made themselves independent.

These princes were viceroys of Kermian and Karassi respectively; the youngest son, Sauji Bey, governed at Brusa during his father's absence.

It seems probable that the bans were originally viceroys of the Croatian kings, who resumed their sovereignty over Bosnia from 958 to ioio.

The Sennari however suffered a decisive defeat in 1784 and thereafter under Darfur viceroys the country enjoyed prosperity.


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