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vexatious Meaning in Tamil ( vexatious வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கோபமூட்டும், தொந்தரவு செய்யும்,

vexatious தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவர் விளையாடிய காலங்களில் எதிர் அனி வீரர்களை கோபமூட்டும் செயல்களிலும் நடுவரின் தீர்ப்பினை கேள்விக்கு உள்ளாக்குவது போன்ற செயல்களில் ஈடுபட்டார்.

19 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டில் மஞ்சள் பத்திரிகை யுகத்தில் அமெரிக்காவில் வெளியான பல நாளிதழ்கள் மக்களை கோபமூட்டும், கிளர்ச்சியூடும் செய்திகளைக் கொண்டு வெளிவந்தன.

ஜொசிஃபஸ் கூற்றுப்படி, கோபமூட்டும் வகையில், சில கிரேக்க வணிகர்கள் யூதர்களுடைய உள்ளூர் வழிபாட்டு கூடத்தின் முன்னால் பறவையை பலியிட்டதே வன்முறைக்கு ஆரம்பமாக இருந்தது.

vexatious's Usage Examples:

As a maxim for guidance in public affairs, laisser faire was genuinely relevant at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, when the Statute Book was cumbered with vexatious and obsolete laws.

They proceeded to tax the American colonists, to interpose vexatiously against their trade, to threaten the liberty of the subject at home by general warrants, and to stifle the liberty of public discussion by prosecutions of the press.

The royal courts are no longer to attend the kings persona vexatious practice when sovereigns were always on the move, and litigants and witnesses had to follow them from manor to manorbut are to be fixed at Westminster.

The whole efforts of the elector and his minister were directed to nullifying the constitutional control vested in the diet; and the Opposition was fought by manipulating the elections, packing the judicial bench, and a vexatious and petty persecution of political "suspects," and this policy continued after the retirement of Hassenpflug in 1837.

Saxon agriculture, though dating its origin from the Wends, was long impeded by antiquated customs, while the land was subdivided into small parcels and subjected to vexatious rights.

At home, whereas at first markets had been free and open to any comer, a more and more protective policy set in, traders from other towns being subjected more and more to vexatious restrictions.

So burdensome was the duty and so vexatious were the restrictions that it is a matter for wonder that the industry survived.

His government was stern; he over-rode the privileges of the baronage without regard to precedent; he persisted in keeping large districts under the arbitrary and vexatious jurisdiction of the forest-courts.

The sculptor Pheidias was prosecuted on two vexatious charges (probably in 433), and before he could disprove the second he died under arrest.

He gets a bit vexatious at times.

The navigation of the Weser was long hampered by the various and vexatious claims and rights of the different states through whose territories it ran.

It was exorbitant and vexatious.


irritating, bothersome, pestering, nettlesome, plaguey, pesky, vexing, annoying, galling, plaguy, teasing, pestiferous, disagreeable,


ecdemic, endemic, good-natured, congenial, agreeable,

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