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vexed Meaning in Tamil ( vexed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எரிச்சல் அடைந்த,

vexed தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இதனைக் கண்டு எரிச்சல் அடைந்த கிழக்கிந்திய கம்பெனி ஆட்சியாளர்கள் 1814-16களில் நேபாளத்துடன் போரிட்டனர்.

பறவைகள் எரிச்சல் அடைந்தோ கலக்கமடைந்தோ முட்டையை விட்டு பறக்க வாய்ப்பு உண்டு.

டூலிப் முறிவினால் எரிச்சல் அடைந்திருந்த உண்மையான நிறம் விரும்பும் ஆர்வலர்கள் இதனால் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைந்தனர்.

அதனால் எரிச்சல் அடைந்து, ராகுல் மதுவை குடிக்கிறான்.

இதனால் நேபாளிகள் மீது ஆங்கிலேயர்கள் எரிச்சல் அடைந்தனர்.

இதனால் எரிச்சல் அடைந்த ஐராவதம் சினமுற்று மாலையைச் சுழற்றி, காலில் உழக்கிச் சிதைத்து விட்டது.

vexed's Usage Examples:

'The vexed question of the presence of coal and tin in the Nicobars has so far received no decided scientific support.

Essentially a diplomatist, he took little or no part in the vexed internal affairs of the Dual Monarchy, and he came little before the public except at the annual statement on foreign affairs before the Delegations.

lie seems to have felt a genuine regret for the unfilial conduct which had vexed his fathers last years, and showed a careful determination to turn over a new leaf and give his enemies no scope for criticism.

The vexed question of the diagnosis of diphtheria is now a thing of the past.

gnomic statement obscures the vexed question of the epistemological role of literary works qua literary works.

One of the most vexed questions of textual criticism, and one which divides scholars more perhaps than any other, is the question to what extent admitted imperfections and inconsistencies may properly be left in a text as due to the default of an author rather than of a scribe or compositor.

Having thus disposed of this matter, the grievances of the barons are again considered, the vexed question of scutage being dealt with.

Recent investigations in regard to the vexed question of the position of the actors in the Greek theatre have as yet not led to any certain solution.

She concluded from his tone that he was vexed with her and wished to end the conversation.

He was of a sanguine-choleric temperament, and when untroubled and unvexed a bright and cheerful gentleman, easy to get on with, and however many people happened to be in the same room with him, he was never at a loss for an answer to every one of them.

The nation, meanwhile prosperous, not vexed by overmuch taxation, and proud of its young king, was ready and willing to follow him into any adventure that he might indicate.

There are two vexed questions with regard to these law-books.

It was not what he had read that vexed him, but the fact that the life out there in which he had now no part could perturb him.


hard, difficult,


quiet, pleased, easy,

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