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vestry Meaning in Tamil ( vestry வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கிறித்தவக் கோயிலில் ஆடைகளை வைப்பதற்கான அறை,

vestry's Usage Examples:

The powers and duties of the vestry were defined, the position of the parish priest was fixed and his salary was regularly provided for at the public expense, and pedagogues were brought over from Scotland.

Greater London (in the sense in which that name might then have been applied) was governed by the inhabitants of each parish in vestry assembled, save that in some instances parishes had elected select vestries under the provisions of the Vestries Act 1831.

In some parishes overseers were appointed in the ordinary manner; in others the vestry, by local acts and by orders under the Local Government Act 1894, was appointed to act as, or empowered to appoint, overseers, whilst in Chelsea the guardians acted as overseers.

Above the vestry there is a library containing choice manuscripts and rare books.

The legal point in the dispute (which Campbell afterwards made the subject of a separate pamphlet) was whether the churchwardens of the parish, in the absence of the vestry, had any means of enforcing a rate except the antiquated interdict or ecclesiastical censure.

He also attended upon the clergy, the churchwardens and the vestry.

Each civil or " poor law " parish was governed by the vestry and the overseers of the poor, dating from the Poor Law of 1601; the vestry, which dealt with general affairs, being presided over by the rector, and having the churchwardens as its chief officials.

Scriptorium with library Sacristy and vestry.

The remains include the vestry, the southern transept (the famous rose window of which is still entire), part of the chancel, the southern wall of the nave, part of the entrance towers and the western doorway.

parish It is true that the inhabitants in vestry had certain The and the powers.

He was appointed by the parishioners in vestry, and his wages were payable out of the church rate.

The church or minster of St Cuthberga is a fine cruciform structure of various styles from Early Norman to Perpendicular, and consists of a central lantern tower, nave and choir with aisles, transepts without aisles, western or bell tower, north and south porches, crypt and vestry or sacristy, with the library over it.


commission, vestrywoman, committee, vestryman,



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