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verified Meaning in Tamil ( verified வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



verified's Usage Examples:

But little credence was given to Father Roman's statement until it was verified, in 1756, by the Spanish Boundary-line Commission of Yturriaga y Solano.

Lord Berkeley and Hartley have also verified the theory by direct measurements of the vapour-pressures of the same solutions.

The production of tables for so enormous a population as that of the United States through the method of tallying by hand requires a great number of clerks and a long period of time, and when complete cannot be verified except by a repetition of the process.

It differs from them in being grounded on exact and verified research.

It is best to be careful and use known and verified proxies, and avoid the scammers and phishers that can use that information maliciously.

Hansteen in 1819, and his suggestion of the magnetic origin of the aurora borealis; his calculation of the orbit of the 1682 comet (the first ever attempted), coupled with a prediction of its return, strikingly verified in 1759; and his indication (first in 1679, and again in 1716, Phil.

subcontractors verified in the same telephone call or internet session.

This can be verified by equating to zero the five coefficients of the Hessian (ab) 2 axb2.

Experiments with membranes of copper ferrocyanide have verified this result for solutions of cane-sugar of moderate dilutions.

physicochemical parameters will be independently verified experimentally.

Republicans by pressing rare quantitative experiment also verified the.

In Ceylon the average yield per acre was 440 Ib, but there are verified records of 996 lb per acre within the year from an estate of 458 acres.


proved, proven,


unverified, on trial, unproved,

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