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verifying Meaning in Tamil ( verifying வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



verifying's Usage Examples:

Higher-order logic is now one of the standard formalisms used for verifying digital designs.

On the 10th of June Sieyes moved that the Tiers Etat should for the last time invite the First and Second Estates to join in the verification of powers and announce that, whether they did or not, the work of verifying would begin forthwith.

His share in the gigantic task of verifying the Newtonian theory would alone suffice to immortalize his name.

Each day of the cycle has a particular name, and as it is a usual practice, in mentioning dates, to give the name of the day along with that of the moon and the year, this arrangement affords great facilities in verifying the epochs of Chinese chronology.

I realize it's late out there but I'm verifying one of your guests.

With the experience thus gained in manipulating the vacuum, the achievement of thoroughly verifying the pressure of radiation on both opaque and transparent bodies, in accordance with Clerk Maxwell's formula, has been effected (Physical Review, 1901, and later papers) by E.

He watched her until verifying where she went before returning to the game.

His famous description of Greek fire has a most provoking mixture of circumstantial detail with absence of verifying particulars.

Though he concealed the fact under a show of irritation and contempt, he was evidently in despair that the sole remaining chance of verifying his theory by a huge experiment and proving its soundness to the whole world was slipping away from him.

Another method of verifying the formula is to take a point Q in the mid-section, and divide up the prismoid into two pyramids with vertex Q and bases ABCD .

I can bring you another one of the notes verifying that's where I am when I'm missing work.

Cook and William Peterson, set out from the gold-fields of Montana with the express purpose of verifying or refuting the rumours, and they returned full of enthusiasm.


confirming, corroborative, confirmatory, corroboratory, supportive, substantiating, validating, verificatory, substantiative, validatory, confirmative, collateral,


perpendicular, oblique, lineal, unrelated, unsupportive,

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