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verging Meaning in Tamil ( verging வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


verging's Usage Examples:

A complex apocentric modification of a kind which we cannot imagine to have been repeated independently, and which is to be designated as uniradial, frequently forms a new centre around which new diverging modifications are produced.

The streets of Dunkirk are wide and well paved, the chief of them converging to the square named after Jean Bart (born at Dunkirk in 1651), whose statue by David d'Angers stands at its centre.

The Bulgarian scheme of operations, necessarily offensive, suffered from the weakness of having two objectives - the Ovche Polye and Salonika - and being based on two main lines of communication diverging towards the rear - Kyustendil and Seres - Drama.

The country is traversed throughout by the Rajputana railway, with its Malwa branch in the south, and diverging to Agra and Delhi in the north.

views - for it was a generation whose leaders, in France at any rate, looked with suspicion upon any one who professed to go beyond the bounds which the genius of Cuvier had been unable to overpass, and regarded the notion of upsetting any of the positions maintained by him as verging almost upon profanity.

The slit of the collimator confines the light to a nearly linear source, the beam diverging from each point of the source being subsequently made parallel by means of a lens.

0-00, u b at the branch point B, u j, j at the end of the two diverging streams where -oo; while ¢0 along the stream line which divides at B and passes through A, A'; and 4 ' m, -m' along the outside boundaries, so that m/Q, m'/Q is the final breadth of the jets, and (m+m')/Q is the initial breadth, c, of the impinging stream.

Just as importantly, why does n't the ecotourism movement embrace urbanism?Furthermore, these threads have somewhat diverging ideas of how landscape urbanism might be made manifest.

(2) The head moderately elongated and the parietals diverging from each other for a certain space as they rise upon the side of the head, enlarging the cerebral cavity and the frontal sinus.

5); or with veins diverging from the base of the lamina in more or less FIG.


brink, boundary, limit, bound,


unconstipated, untreated, unoriented, uncertain, unbound,

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