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usurper Meaning in Tamil ( usurper வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அபகரிப்போன், துராக்கிரமி,

usurper's Usage Examples:

For a short time the wily usurper placed Tahmasps son on the throne, a little child, with the title of Abbas III.

One of these bore the name of Apopi engraved lightly on the shoulder; this was evidently a usurper's mark, but from the whole circumstances it was concluded that these, and others of the same type of features found elsewhere, must have belonged to the Hyksos.

When Aretas intervened in the interest of Hyrcanus and defeated Aristobulus, the usurper of his brother's inheritance, the people accepted the verdict of battle, sided with the victor's client, and joined in the siege of Jerusalem.

By such means Catherine made herself very popular in the upper ranks of society, but as a woman and a usurper who did little or nothing to lighten the burdens of the people she failed to gain the loyalty and devotion of the masses.

we know that at his time there were different petty kingdoms and usurpers in Persis; the principal dynasty is by Tabari called Bazrangi.

We have no means of explaining this statement, nor can we fully understand all the incidents connected with his usurpation; but the attempts of modern authors to prove that Gaumata in reality was the genuine Smerdis and Darius a usurper have failed.

Nadir Shah, the able and energetic usurper of the Persian throne, attempting to annex the province once more to Persia, besieged the city, but Ahmed defended it with such courage that the invader was compelled to raise the siege, after suffering great loss.

There he acted the accessible prince in the eyes of the people, for the last of the Plantagenets was another of the usurpers who found favour in the eyes of the men of London.

In 717 he revolted against the usurper Theodosius III.

; but Henry married Isaac's daughter Irene to his brother, Philip of Swabia, and thus attempted to give the Hohenstaufen a new title and a valid claim against the usurper Alexius.

1270 Pulu, usurper, takes the 1260 name of Tiglath-pileser III.

His father held high military command under the emperor Maurice, and as governor of Africa maintained his independence against the usurper Phocas.

Though not a minor, he had no greater success than the sons of the usurpers who preceded him, being dethroned after six weeks (March I5th, 1453) in favor of the amir Inal al-Ala~, who took the title Malik al-A shraf.


offender, supplanter, claim jumper, wrongdoer,


good person,

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