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unhooked Meaning in Tamil ( unhooked வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கொக்கி யை அவிழ்

unhooked's Usage Examples:

unhooked the picture on the wall thoughtfully.

With the sling wet, the scales zeroed and the fish safely unhooked in the net it was time to lift it out.

She can do anything with me! said Denisov, and he unhooked his saber.

She unhooked the screen and pushed it out.

First she took off her headdress, then unhooked her cloaks brass clasp.

The unfinished renovation project had left the laundry room cattywampus; the washer and dryer were unhooked, the walls were unpainted and the sink was disconnected.

Dean took a look at the thawing street in front of Bird Song and went out back and unhooked his bicycle.

Tommy gently unhooked the picture on the wall thoughtfully.

Quickly she unhooked the pearl buttons at the front of her heavily brocaded outer dress.




attach, hook,

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